Monday 22 July 2013

Memoirs of a Geisha Review

“The world was hers for the reading.” 
- B. Smith
50 Books to read before you die.  1/50

As part of my 2013 new years resolutions (most of which are have been long forgotten) I promised myself I would read more classic literature, so a good place to start would be the 50 books to read before you die series. Most of the books sounded familiar and a lot were on my own personal 'I would love to read that someday' list so I decided to give it a go.

The first book - Memoirs of Geisha.
Like a lot of people I was intrigued by the majestic and oh so secret world of a Geisha I was acutely aware of the controversy surrounding the book. The author Arthur Golden thanked Mineko Iwasaki (the Geisha upon whom the book is loosely based) for her help in creating the story, after promising to keep her identity a secret. She was understandably enraged by this and sued him for a healthy sum. She later went on to write a book called Geisha of Gion which apparently straightens out Golden's misconceptions. Knowing this only made me want to read the book more, lets face it who doesn't love a good old scandal.

The novel is written from the first person perspective of a child called Chiyo Chan. She is sold to a Geisha house where she is to train and become a successful Geisha. Ofcourse she is presented with many trials and tribulations along the way, but it is the sureness with which Golden writes that I find most enthralling. Chiyo has a fascination with much older men, and this is depicted as being a natural emotion. The phrase age is nothing but a number has never been truer then within the context of this book. Being part of the western idealism of what is acceptable many of us would feel very uncomfortable with such a plot, but the way Golden deals with this sensitive issue works well. Once you've accepted the idea that this was normal in  mid 20th Century Japan one can come to appreciate Chiyo's quest to find and love the man of her dreams. Underneath the complicated exterior the story is essentially one about love, and coming of age set within a dramatic theatre of world war conflicts.

Golden's style of writing has received ample criticism, accused of being too flowery. I can appreciate that there is at times an overkill of metaphors and similes which are a little too in your face trying to be oriental. For example -

"I felt as a dam must feel when it's holding back an entire river."

"I felt as sore as a rock must feel when the waterfall has pounded on it all day long."

"My poor scalp felt the way clay must feel after the potter has scored it with a sharp stick."

"Like the crisp skin of a grilled fish."

I must admit this isn't really a very 'natural' way of thinking but you can't say it doesn't lead you to picture this alternative universe that Golden is trying to create. Perhaps the superficiality of the story is intentional, and that the book, in a way is supposed to resembles a geisha. Beautiful and eager to please, yet too distant to really learn much from and ultimately little more than a beautiful, well-crafted object to be appreciated. If that's the case, Arthur Golden is remarkably clever. If it's not the case, I still think he does enough for the reader to feel invested in the plot and characters.

The first half of the book is far better crafted then the latter half. With the dawn of the second world war Golden falls into the trap of an American author writing from the perspective of the occupied state. At times the glamorous depiction of the American soldiers is rather snort worthy. Sayuri (Chiyo) ends up happy but not on the soil that she was born and raised, instead all her dreams come true on American soil. Which considering the hatred felt towards the Americans by the Japanese seems rather far fetched.  I'm hoping Golden portrayed this because Mineko felt this way, in which case it is understandable.

All in all if your looking for a captivating story which has the ability to transport you to a mystical world then I would highly recommend this book. As long as you read it with an open mind and regard it as a fictional story I don't see any reason not to enjoy it.

Peak - The development of Chiyo as a character and her relationship with Mameha (her mentor).

Pit - Golden's rather crass depiction of the role of Americans in post war Japan.

“Read the best books first, or you may not have a chance to read them at all.” 
H.D Thoreau 

Shake it up for Ramadan!

Ramadan Kareem to all those celebrating this beautiful month! In the UK our fasts our 19 hours long and with temperatures reaching 32 degrees this isn't an easy fate (especially as us Brits are complete light weights when it comes to the heat).  Nonetheless we need to ensure that were doing all we can to make sure our bodies are well fuelled and full of the essential nutrients we need. I know this is easier said then done, when all you want to do is gauge on all the bad but oh so tasty foods. To combat the temptation I began searching for some quick and easy options for sehri/suhoor (meal before the sun rises) as I didn't want to eat anything to heavy before bed but I don't want to wake up staaarving either.

Luckily I found this nifty little recipe which has quiet literally been a God send. I've made it everyday since I first tried it and now my entire family is hooked! It's full of healthy foods that will keep you going throughout the day without making you feel like you've eaten a horse. (no pun intended!)  

For this recipe you will need the following (to make one glassful)

Roughly chop the dates to around this size.
1 glass semi skimmed milk
1 ripe banana
3 tablespoons of oats
2 chopped dates
4 almonds
Squirt of honey or agave nectar (which ever you prefer)

Basically what you do is pour the milk into the blender followed by the banana, oats, dates, almonds and honey. Once everything's in blend for around a minute before checking consistency. Blend a little longer if you prefer the smoothie to be very smooth (I prefer mine with a bit more texture).

Once your happy with it, poor into a glass and enjoy!

Tip - Once you've poured most of the smoothie into your glass, give it a further thirty second spin because dates tend to sink to the bottom and I've found this helps keep them afloat.

You can even try switch it up a little by using Almond or soy milk so that its even healthier! 

Tuesday 16 July 2013

PUMP up the Volume? My everyday hair routine - How to create volume for fine hair

Eight products later ... I give you BIG hair! 

Were all looking for the perfect way to create beautiful volume in our hair. But some of us aren't blessed with naturally thick luscious locks so after much trial and error I've found some effective and affordable products that can help you create voluminous hair without damaging it. As I have fairly fine hair I'm always looking for natural products bursting with
vitamins that will help  to promote healthy hair and make my hair stronger and
look thicker!

To make things a little easier I've split my daily haircare routine into three sections wash, dry and style. So here goes ..

WASH -  When I was in America a few months back I stumbled across the
Aveda Invati range and fell in love instantly as it sounded right up my street. I wasted no time in carrying out some research, because if like me you have fine hair you'll know that we take no risks in this department. The invati system contains three products all containing Densiplex which is an invigorating mix of ayurvedic naturally derived ingredients. I bought the  Exfoliating shampoo (£20.50) and Thickening conditioner (£22.50)  as these products received the most positive reviews. Aveda also recommends using the 'Scalp Revitaliser' which comes in at £43 I found that this product has the least amount of reviews and the ones it did have were pretty negative hence I wasn't prepared to part with such a big amount before trying out the shampoo and conditioner first.

The Holy Grail for fine hair!

I have been using the two products for around a month now and I've definitely felt
a difference, my hair feels and looks thicker and fuller, but the best part is that my
friends have noticed (yay!) I've even gotten one of  them to start using it herself.
Although the shampoo doesn't feel luxurious and it doesn't lather up like most
shampoo's it leaves your hair feeling clean and fresh which is the most important thing right?!

DRY -  I'll towel dry and spray in some Tresseme heat defence spray all over my hair to protect it from harmful heat nasties. I'll then go in with the Aveda Voluminous tonic which works really well in fine to medium hair, (if you have thicker hair I'd recommend using something a little heavier). I'll spray the tonic straight into the roots then massage it in for a few seconds. Before flipping over my hair to blow-dry upside down. I find this gives my hair a bit of a lift and gives creates Volume that lasts all day.

STYLE - Once my hair is dry I'll brush through it with Michel Mercier Detangling Brush For Fine Hair (reduced on at the moment). I totally recommend buying this brush as I've found significantly less hair breakage and it also separates the hairs to give a fuller and  thicker look. DO NOT use this brush with your hair dryer as I did because it burns really easily and you'll be left with lopsided bristles :(  

Apparently the bristles are precisely placed to cause minimum breakage #fancy
Once I've brushed through, I'll use my Remington Pro Volume Styling brush which I bought from for £19,  sadly this deal is over but you can get it easily from boots for around £25. I tend to use the heated styling brush as this tames any fly-aways but maintains much more volume then a straightner does. It also doesn't get as hot as a straightener so its a little more kinder to your hair! But you have a frizzier mane I would recommend using a straightener instead as you won't get that same sleek finish. I'll then tease the hair using my Babylis teasing comb to secure volume around the crown and top parts of the head. My final step is to squirt  a little Aussie Dual personality Aussome Volume and Gloss hairspray (this isn't the one in the picture as I've run out, but Aussie hair-sprays in general are pretty awesome) to secure all the hard work you've just done and to ensure that volume lasts all day. (the good news is It usually does!) Tip here would be to spray it into the air and walk through it to keep hair looking bouncy and natural!

Do's and Dont's

Do Carry the teasing comb with you during the day to top up any flattened jushz (you know what I mean right?!)
Do invest in Aveda's Invati range (can't vouch for revitaliser just yet)

Don't use too much Aveda Voluminising Tonic it can make your hair look greasy (one to two squirts)

Don't use too much hair sprayer as this is the 'ultimate Volume slayer'

Really hope this helps you achieve that effortless Volume, trust me I know how difficult it is to achieve.

Monday 1 July 2013

Lets Get Lippy!

Lips are a focal part of the face so its natural to want yours looking great all the time!
Hence the importance of a perfect lip balm can not be under estimated ...  So  as a service to the world of soft lips I've compiled a list of my six all time favourites.

Dr. Lipp Original Nipple Balm for lips
Not the prettiest but oh so effective!
Now I know the name of this one is a bit of a mouthful and lets face it a bit bizarre but trust me when I say this lip balm has changed my life! Its unlike anything I've used before, 100% natural hypoallergenic, this tasteless and odourless balm works wonders. I've found that putting a layer on before bed leaves my lips moisturised and ready for the next day, sometimes I actually wake up with it still on my lips! This formula is very thick and doesn't look very pretty,  but leaves a nice glossy finish. Although it claims to be tasteless I sometimes get this weird taste which I can't describe other then calling it earthy maybe even grassy (this could just be me) But aside from this I really can't fault this product it really is the one for problem lips.

Peak - Made without Parabens, Sulfates and Phthalates in other words all the nasties

Pit - The price and the size (although it does last forever)

Perfect for - Super dry Chapped Lips

Value for money - At £11.99 for a 0.507 oz it can seem a little steep but I would definitely repurchase this as I don't think I could do without

Burts bee's Lip shimmer in fig -
This lip balm adds a hint of glamour and shine to your lips aswell as ample nourishing nourishment as its formula contains sunflower oil, tonnes of vitamin E and natural beeswax (sounds gross but does wonders) along with other natural ingredients. I'm pretty certain it contains some kind of menthol because it leaves a tingly cool sensation on your lips which I really like. However I think this particular formula is more about the colour then the nourishment of your lips, its softens but doesn''t eradicate dry skin. Having said this its beautiful for more warmer months and the packaging is so handy!

Peak - level of pigmentation and the cooling sensation it leaves.

Pit - not super effective on chapped lips

Value for Money ... Averaging around £4 this product is decently priced but I wish it would last a little longer then it does.

Perfect for ... Adding a touch of nourishing shimmer

Korres Lip butter in Plum
The Korres Lip butters are formulated with Shea butter and Rice wax which provide a lasting and deep hydration to the lips aswell as a lovely matt tint. Shea butter originates from Africa were it was used by locals as a protection from the harsh climates and this is exactly what this lip butter does, it works well in summer winter and everything in between!  This Lip butter helps even the most chapped lips and actually feels buttery on the lips! The only negative about the Korres range is the packaging, I find that the tub is too small and you tend to get product all over the place. Its also not shatterproof so if your a bit of a cluts like me and forever dropping things then its best to leave this one at home!

Peak - protects the skin against UV aggression and is excellent for moisture.

Pit - The packaging really isn't ideal.

Value for money ... at £8 this lip balm can seem a little steep but the sheer butter in this product is worth the price and it really does work. If your a student you can get an extra 10% off by buying from Oliver Bonas (link below)

Perfect for ... dry lips in need of some TLC and is perfect on for a natural finish

Favourites! ps. sorry there a little worn

Good ol' Vaseline
I'm sure you don't need me to go into too much detail over this one. Good old petroleum jelly has helped us all out of our driest moments. A perfect 'always keep in your bag' item. Come rain or shine its always good to have this one around.

Value for money ... £1.89 cheap and cheerful and gets the job done

Perfect for .... creates a soft workable base for lipstick

Sleek Pout Palette in Pink Cadillac
 Besides this beautiful summery shade this lip balm isn't sticky and stays on for absolutely ages. Once it stayed on for an entire night even through dinner! It smells lovely like a vanilla pod and is very easily buildable to create a glamorous look whilst keeping lips hydrated and smooth.

Peak - Contains SPF 15 and is long lasting

Pit - More of a summer product as it tends to stick to drier areas.

Perfect for ... Glamming up lipsticks.

Value for money ... £4.49  decent but I like it more for the colour then its effects as a balm.

Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain
This is a perfect get up and go kinda product offersing colour and moisture wrapped into a clever little package. The retractable chubby crayon much like Clinique chubby stick is so handy when your on the go. It leaves lips moisturised and with the same menthol feel as the burts bees formula which I adore.
Peak - The easy to use packaging

Pit - Not pigmented enough for my liking

Perfect for ... on the go

Value for money ...  £7.99 Works just as well as the Clinique Chubby Stick for half the price!

(I find that a white background helps to see the colour more clearly!)
Hope this helps you all in your quest to find the perfect lip balm, please comment below if there's any other fab lip products out there which I could explore :)

I'm wearing a little Nipple balm with Korres lip butter in Plum to achieve this glossy  finish